
Transition Towns:
Transition is a response the two toughest challenges facing humankind in the 21st century - Climate Change and Peak Oil. Both have far reaching consequences - Peak Oil in creating global uncertainty and instability caused by declining fossil fuel availability, and Climate Change for environmental, social, political and economic impacts .
Transition is a localised response to these issues. The focus is on empowering community members and retelling a story of hope instead of despair. Transition encompasses the valuing of actions most people already do to save water and energy, share resources with neighbours etc though perhaps aren't valued for the contribution they make in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, These actions build local resilience to climate change and peak oil impacts, and nurture a space of fun, community connectedness and wellbeing.
Transition actions may include planting out a veggie patch, sharing your produce with others, fitting out your home with insulation and water saving devices, sharing your tools and resources (e.g. car pooling), discussing with others what the future may look like with dramatically lower levels of fossil fuels, showing 'In Transition' at a local festival or working with your local Shire to facilitate a community food garden....there are endless ways to work locally and make a difference!
Click here to view the website 'Eat the Suburbs'  for more transition actions examples.
Underpinning the Transition Model is a recognition of the following:
  • Climate Change and Peak Oil require urgent action
  • Life with less energy is inevitable and it is better to plan for it than be taken by surprise
  • Industrial society has lost the resilience to be able to cope with energy shocks
  • We have to act together and we have to act now 
  • Infinite growth within a finite system (such as planet earth) simply isn't possible
  • We demonstrated phenomenal levels of ingenuity and intelligence as we raced up the energy curve over the last 150 years, and there's no reason why we can't use those qualities, and more, as we negotiate our way down from the peak of the energy mountain
  • If we plan and act early enough, and use our creativity and cooperation to unleash the genius within our local communities, then we can build a future that could be far more fulfilling and enriching, more connected and more gentle on the earth than the lifestyles we have today.

To read more about Transition Town principles and initiatives please click on the Transition Primer found here.

And view the movie' In Transition' click here. 'In Transition' is a great watch, and particularly useful to to broaden an understanding of what 'transtion' may encompass  and why its so important, PLUS... it also looks like everyone is having alot of fun!

Energy Descent:
What is Energy Descent and why is it so important?:

Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP) Examples:

EDAP Resources:

Community Planning:
What is community planning, who's doing it and how does it fit in with Energy Descent and Transition Towns...?

Local Websites & Resources:

Other Useful Resources: